


Q : Why do I choose you?
A : We are one of the web's first online stores and has been helping the fashion-conscious look fabulous since 2006.Our target audience is the fashion conscious 18-35 women's wear market. We aim to be exciting and innovative, offering our customers the fashions they wanted.Most important is we are safe and guaranteed.

Q:Will I have to pay sales tax?
A:We will send out your parcel as a "gift"  and mark the value in low, but we can't promise no sales tax.

Q : May i know whether you are safe?
A:We have chosen the best e-commerce service in the industry, and guarantee secure payment processing. Keep in mind that we ensure 100% payment security.

Q : How can I place an order?
A:At our store, ordering is easy and simple.Just follow some steps you will get what you want.For more details you can refer to this link,

Q : How can I do the payment?
A:There are different ways you can choose to pay at our webiste.You can choose paypal,credit card and others. More ways you can find follow this link,

Q : What currencies can i pay?
A:There are three currencies : US dollar, EURO and GB pound. You can find this on the top right corner of the page.

Q : Do you have a shop?
A:We just do the business on line.

Q : How can I choose my size?
A:For every item we do offer an size chart or specific size description under the page below,please measure carefully before your buying.

Q : What's your newest items?
A : You can pay attention to this link,

Q : How can I know my order status?
A : Please login in to check at "MY ORDERS" line. We will update any news in time.
Q : Can I exchange my item,size or shipping address?
A:Yes you can but you have to inform us before your item is shipped. Please note we can't do the exchange once we have shipped your order.

Q : How fast can i get my order?
A:Different shippping method will cause different delivery time. But you can find more follow this link,

Q : Can i return my item?
A:If you are not satisfied with your purchase and want to return them back please contact our customer service first. But you need to pay for the return shipping fee. About return policy you can click this link,

Q : How to contact you?
A:For your order please click here to contact us.

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